Friday, March 1, 2013

As the Dear

New to the blogging community, I feel a duty to explain myself.  Before I expose my heart and "pen" the words that compose my very existence, I have to admit, I was hesitant to this world.

Insecurities and shortcomings made me stop and wonder who the blogging community is.  Moms, homemakers, artists, and craft-smiths, none of which I ever thought I was.  That is, until I got to college and began taking creative writing classes.  Of course, during this stage of life I was too consumed with living life to the fullest, dramatizing my latest breakup, and sulking in who I would never be.  Looking back, I can't help but laugh.  Who in the world was I?

I'm most positive of this.  I didn't know the answer to that question until the time of my 22nd birthday.


I could hear those murmurs new friends!  But I'm right there with you, wondering how it took me so long to see my value, my worth, in Christ.  To avoid endless talks of days gone past, I'll simply say, nothing is coincidence.  God has a plan and purpose for every dark stage we go through.

After a series of life events, I started to see how the Lord was molding me into who I am.

I am a dear.  My husband's dear.  "Dear, can you help me with this?" and "Dear, what do you think about that?"  I cannot express how grateful I am to be his dear.  After years of seeking the Lord on who my husband would be, I can confidently state that I married the exact man God had for me.  Not to keep you guessing, I'll go ahead and admit it: he's quite the looker.  I'm talking like major hunk, could be famous, kind of attractive.  And then to add to his physical appearance his genuine heart for others.  Even in the midst of turbulence, he is the most loyal and faithful man I've ever seen. I enjoy every day I get to spend being his dear.

But, I'm not just my husband's dear.  More than anything in this world, I'm His dear.  The Lord crafted me specifically into who I am today--physically, spiritually, emotionally.  He has given me opportunities to grow, opportunities to shine, opportunities to test my faith and develop perseverance.

I am a dear panting for the water, for the will of the Father.  My soul longs to see Jesus move in my life, in your life, and around this world.  Life is pretty tough, but when we are dears panting for our Savior, He is quick to quench our thirst.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome opening post. Writing is one of those things that is an art, because if you're not careful you can say too much or the wrong way, or someone may take it the wrong it way... Great to have you as a fellow blogger. Looking forward to reading.
