Friday, August 30, 2013

Dear Baby

To my fellow friends,

Months have pass by and, though my thoughts were constantly writing new stories, I let life advance without transcribing it's events.

I'm back with big news--my husband and I are expecting our first child <3

I am 15 weeks and a couple of days and our little dear is progressing quite nicely.  Measuring ahead of schedule and notifying our doctor of his/her gender, I am anxiously awaiting the day I know if I will have a son or daughter!

What a thought...

I've seen such a beautifully executed method of parenting from my mom--grace when I was rebellious, unconditional and sacrificial love when it was so undeserved, and comfort when I was hurting--to name a few.

To think that now I take on the mom role is both exhilarating and terrifying.  I know that it will all work out for the good, but, boy, are my hormones battling me on a minute by minute basis! *Crying in the booth at Cheesecake Factory because they didn't have the dessert I had been craving for a month?! Oh yes, it happened.* 

And while I am adjusting to the responsibility that lies ahead--
The formative years my child will go through--me teaching my child to take on each and every single fruit of the spirit, leading by example.
The growing years--when they are learning and developing and questioning and wondering--my husband being the pastor of our home, us boosting our child's confidence, fostering a peaceful environment, reflecting Christ, and keeping open communication.
The teenage years--can I skip this one??? I think the Lord will guide us to parent as we learn our child, their personality, weaknesses, and strengths.

The moment I laid eyes on that incredibly dark pink line at week three, it hit me.  Every action, every word, everything I do is a method of teaching for my child.  This sweet baby will learn from my husband and me.  We are now teachers, mentors, pastors, counselors, disciplinarians, and so much more.

I can't get past how huge of a responsibility this is. 

But it is an extreme honor and blessing.  I am a dear.  I am His dear, I am my beloved's dear, and, now I anticipate my little dear.


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